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Pellucid Water cold plasma (PWCP) uses chain reactions initiated by plasma, whereas conventional technologies specifically target each contaminant molecule.  From the standpoint of efficiency, this can be compared with a proficient pool player who strikes a ball that knocks 5 other balls in pockets simultaneously, instead of shooting at each ball individually.  PWCP uses low energy electrical discharges that agglomerate molecular structures, and acts on the entire chemical matrix simultaneously.  This contrasts with conventional technologies that require high energy inputs in the forms of chemicals, electrical power, mechanical devices, etc. – each acting only on a portion of the chemical matrix.

The physical attributes of plasma provide a platform for water treatment that is superior to conventional processes that are based on classical chemistry and methods.  


PWCP is unique from other plasma technologies and methods, based on the following characteristics:

  • Type of Plasma

PWCP uses non-thermal plasma (a.k.a, cold plasma) for water treatment at ionization levels of approximately 10%.

  • Plasma Phase


PWCP discharges are applied directly to liquids.  This greatly decreases energy consumption in creating plasma  and greatly increases energy transfer to water, over discharges that occur in gas phase and transferred to liquids at the air/water interface. 

  • Plasma Method

PWCP is not use advanced oxidation as the mechanism in our treatment process. We use a mechanism that is unique to Pellucid Water, called branching.

  • Water Treatment Objective

PWCP plasma agglomerates dissolved chemicals into particles that are then removed from solution through  flocculation and precipitation.  The recovered chemicals can then be processed and reused as value-added products.  None of the chemistry is lost through volatilization and no bi-products are formed.


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