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Sorin Manolache, PhD
Mark Raabe

Sorin Manolache, PhD, obtained his doctorate degree in Chemical Engineering from the Petru Poni Institute for Macromolecular Chemistry in Romania, with emphasis on plasma chemistry.  Dr. Manolache is a former research scientist at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. He is a key investigator for plasma treatments, including non-equilibrium atmospheric pressure plasmas and nanostructured layers, as well as chemical diagnostic of complex systems (RGA, GC/MS, optical diagnostics, etc.). The scientific efforts of Dr. Manolache has resulted in more than 74 original scientific papers and chapters in books, 30 papers in proceedings, 22 patents (14 US patents, most of them licensed by Intel) and more than 110 presentations at international conferences during the last 20 years. Dr. Manolache has served as PI in more than 14 projects at UW-Madison’s Center for Plasma-Aided Manufacturing (CPAM).


Ph: 608.772.4309

Mark Raabe obtained a B.S degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Wisconsion - Madison, and a M.S degree in Biological Systems Engineering at Cornell University. He provides a diverse background professionally to the research team in the field of water quality. Mr. Raabe has previously worked as a regulator for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources; as an engineering consultant in fields such as water resources, water supply, wastewater, and investigation of contaminated groundwater and subsoils; and as a part-time researcher while employed at the University of Wisconsin, Biological Systems Engineering Department. He has also managed field studies using Dense Medium Plasma that were conducted by Pellucid Water.


Ph: 608.469.3558

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